
A glimpse at the Nāpali cliffs from a outcrop underneath the Kalalau lookout. The drop beyond that tuft of grass is a hundred meters or more straight down. Rainforest tracks in central Kauai. Albezia trees like the one visible at the end of the path were introduced to Hawaii from Indonesia in 1917 to aid reforestation. It is now naturalized throughout the islands. It can grow by four and a half meters in a single year. Eucalyptus deglupta (Rainbow eucalyptus) at the Keahua Aboretum in central Kauai. Eucalypts introduced from Australia in Kauai's highlands. Red earth on the lower reaches of Kauai's Waimea Canyon gets its colour from the iron-oxide in the soil and it stains everything you wear hiking. Looking up through the rocks near the summit of Mauna Kea on Hawaii's Big Island. Life guard booth overlooking Salt Pond Beach near Hanapepe on the south coast of Kauai. Vintage car parked in front of mural Street art in a laneway in Kapaʻa on Kauai. The Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) complex at the top of Hawaii's highest peak provide close to ideal viewing conditions due to the lack of light pollution, low humidity, high elevation and position right on the equator. The summit of Muna Kea sits at 4,205 meters above sea level. The Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) complex at the top of Hawaii's highest peak provide close to ideal viewing conditions due to the lack of light pollution, low humidity, high elevation and position right on the equator. The summit of Muna Kea sits at 4,205 meters above sea level. Warning signs at the summit warning drivers to use low gear. Long descents like the return trip from Mauna Kea are liable to cause 'brake fade' which occurs when prolonged friction causes brake-pads to overheat and fail.

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